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The GIANT handbook of computer projects by Seventy-Three Magazine Editors

By Seventy-Three Magazine Editors

1979 TAB ebook of laptop initiatives.

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The address the example displays is address 0. which can be considered the first word in memory. The reader should note that an address of zero can actually represent a word in memory. Earlier it was stated that some instructions can actually change the value of the program counter and thus allow a program to jump to different sections in memory. However, the reader now knows that a word in memory only contains eight cells, and yet the program counter of an 8008 based computer contains eight cells, and yet the program counter contains 14 cells.

Each word in memory is considered to have an address. In Fig. 1-9 each word was given an address by simply designating each word with a number. Word #1 has an address of 1. Word #2 had an address of 2, etc. The program counter portion of the CPU keeps tabs on where the CPU should obtain the next instruction by maintaining an address of the word in memory that is to be processed. About 90 percent of the time all the program counter does is increment the value it has each time the CPU finishes doing an operation.

The program counter of an 8008 based machine. memory word address in an 8008 system is at address zero (0). Programmers could refer to this word as word #0 on page #. The 256th word in memory as far as the computer is concerned has an address of 255. (Note: Since the address of 0 is actually assigned for the first physical word in memory, all succeeding words have an address that is one less than the physical quantity. A programmer could refer to this word as word #255 on page #0. The 257th word in memory has an absolute address of 256 ("n" th word minus one since location 0 contains a memory word) as far as the machine is con cerned, but a programmer could refer to that word location as being on page #1 at location 0.

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