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The Portable Jung (Portable Library) by C. G. Jung

By C. G. Jung

This complete number of writings via the epoch-shaping Swiss psychoanalyst used to be edited through Joseph Campbell, himself the main recognized of Jung's American fans. It includes Jung's pioneering stories of the constitution of the psyche—including the works that brought such notions because the collective subconscious, the Shadow, Anima and Animus—as good as inquries into the psychology of spirituality and creativity, and Jung's influential "On Synchronicity," a paper whose implications expand from the I Ching to quantum physics. Campbell's advent completes this compact quantity, putting Jung's astonishingly wide-ranging oeuvre in the context of his lifestyles and times.

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Alive. were being unduly The death men of the father then has the effect of a precipitate and almost catastrophic ripening. I know of a pious man who was a churchwarden and who, from the age of forty onward, showed a growing and finally unbearable intolerance in matters of morality and religion. At the same time his moods grew visibly worse. At last he was nothing more than a darkly lowering pillar of the Church. " without living results. Me Nor spent and squandered a his "Now at last I've got did this realization declining years goodly part oi his in it!

The nearer we approach to the middle of life, and the we have succeeded in entrenching ourselves in our personal attitudes and social positions, the more it appears as if we had discovered the right course and the right better and principles of behaviour. For this reason we suppose them to be eternally valid, and make a virtue of unchangeably clinging to them. We overlook the essential ideals fact that the social goal is attained only at the cost of a diminution of personality. Many aspects far too many of life which should also have been experienced lie in the — — lumber-room among dusty memories; but sometimes, they are glowing coals under grey ashes.

1) Wot an (CW 10) Yoga and the West [11] CW (CW in Relation to Al- 12) Fifth Eranos Meeting, Ascona. A. Psychological Factors Determining Human Behavior (CW 8) Presidential Address: 9th International Medical Congress for Psychotherapy, The 1938 Copenhagen (CW 10) (CW 16) Realities of Practical Psychotherapy Oxford; becomes memRoyal Society of Medicine Journey to India on invitation of British Government of India for 25th Anniversary of University of Calcutta Sixth Eranos Meeting, Ascona. Jung's paper: Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype (CW Receives honorary doctorate, ber, 9-i) Address: International 10th Medical Congress for Psychotherapy, Oxford, 1938 (CW 10) Psychology and Religion (The Terry Lectures, Yale Presidential University: 1939 CW 1 1) Outbreak of World War II Appointed Editor, Zentralblatt für Psychotherapie und ihre Grenzgebiete Seventh Eranos Meeting, Ascona.

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