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Technical drawing by [by] Frederick E. Giesecke, Alva Mitchell [and] Henry Cecil

By [by] Frederick E. Giesecke, Alva Mitchell [and] Henry Cecil Spencer.

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For light construction lines, guide lines for lettering, and for accurate geometrical constructions or any work where accuracy is of prime importance, use a hard pencil, such 4H to 6H. For mechanical drawings on drawing paper or tracing paper, the lines should be black, particularly for tracings to be reproduced as blueprints or otherwise. The pencil chosen must be soft enough to produce jet-black lines, but hard enough not to smudge too easily or permit the point to crumble under normal pressure.

43 MECHANICAL DRAWING 35 cheap or inferior drawing instruments. For the student or the professional draftsman it is advisable, and in the end more economical, to purchase the best instruments that can be afforded. Good instruments will satisfy the most rigid requirements, and the satisfaction, saving in time, and improved quality of work which good instruments can produce will more than justify jectives are not likely to be obtained with the higher price. Unfortunately, the qualities of high-grade instruments are not likely to be recognized by the beginner, who is not familiar with the performance characteristics required and who is apt to be attracted by elaborate sets containing a large number of shiny low-quality instruments.

Instead, use the shoulder-end as shown in Fig. 55 (d), adjusted so that the tiny needle point extends about half-way into the paper when the compass lead just touches the paper. Usually all of the compass leads provided in drawing sets are hard. Softer leads are readily available if you use a mechanical pencil, Fig. 18 (b). Otherwise, Fig. 56 Sharpening Compass Lead. save your pencil stubs, strip off the wood, and use the leads in the compass. Avoid using leads that are too short to be sharpened as shown in Fig.

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