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Las Vegas Weekly - 27 January 2011 by Sarah Feldberg (Editor)

By Sarah Feldberg (Editor)

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The screen was pulled upward to a height one foot above the tank turret. The air kept the heavy tank from sinking. Two propellers were installed at the rear of the tank. Powered by the Sherman’s engine, they gave it a top speed of six knots. The DD tank was only capable of staying afloat for short distances in a fairly calm sea. Rough water easily swamped it. If the screen collapsed on any side, the tank almost immediately sank. When the DD grounded, its crew dropped the screen. Once the screen collapsed, the tank’s 75-millimeter main gun or either of its two machine guns could fire.

Trooper Roswell Ernest Toffelmire drowned. Looking over his shoulder, Gariépy saw the other tanks churning along. He led the charge to the beach. CHAPTER SIX Aboard Monowai, the LCAs loaded with the Queen’s Own ‘B’ Company were lowered and released. Then ‘A’ Company descended the nets. Company Sergeant Major Charlie Martin anxiously watched his men make the slow, awkward descent. Each soldier had to pause, clinging to the net, and measure the moment he should jump to the LCA. The best chance was when the craft slammed up against the ship’s hull.

One each defended Bernières and St. Aubin. The remainder overlooked the beach from the top of sand banks that ran between the three villages. Aerial photographs revealed that the Germans were nearing completion of a network of dugouts two to three kilometers inland. Mortars and artillery pieces were spotted inside the dugouts. Intelligence officers had been unable to locate the heavier artillery batteries known to be within range of the beach. However, from other intelligence sources they knew there were several 75-millimeter batteries that each consisted of several guns.

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