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Developments in Mathematical and Experimental Physics: by R. Castañeda-Priego, A. Rodriguez-López, M. D.

By R. Castañeda-Priego, A. Rodriguez-López, M. D. Carbajal-Tinoco, P. González-Mozuelos (auth.), Alfredo Macias, Francisco Uribe, Enrique Diaz (eds.)

The FIRST MEXICAN assembly ON MATHEMATICAL AND EXPERI­ psychological PHYSICS used to be held at EL COLEGIO NACIONAL in Mexico urban, Mexico, from September 10 to fourteen, 2001. This occasion consisted of the LEOPOLDO GARciA-COLIN SCHERER Medal Lecture, added through Prof. Nicholas G. van Kampen, a chain of plenary talks via Leopoldo Garcia­ CoHn, GUnter Nimtz, Luis F. Rodriguez, Ruoon Barrera, and Donald Saari, and of 3 parallel symposia, specifically, Cosmology and Gravita­ tion, Statistical Physics and past, and Hydrodynamics and Dynam­ ical platforms. The reaction from the Physics neighborhood was once enthusi­ astic, with over 2 hundred contributors and round eighty audio system, from around the globe: united states, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Holland, uk, Switzerland, Spain, and Hungary. the most objective of the convention is to supply a situation to Mexican researchers at the subject matters of Mathematical and Experimental Physics for you to hold them involved with paintings happening in different components of the area and while to encourage and aid the younger and mid­ profession researchers from our state. to accomplish this target, we made up our minds to ask as teachers the main exclusive specialists within the matters of the convention and to offer the chance to younger scientist to communi­ cate the result of their paintings. The plan is to rejoice this overseas undertaking each 3 years.

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DrN of finding any particle of species a in rl, ... , and any particle of species 'Y in rn at time t, regardless of the rest of the particles. Carrying out this integration, equation (6) takes the continuous form D:! 1 t a L13 Jv{Jv(["\71u~(r12)] p~J(rl,r2j t)drldr2 +fi· (8) In addition, equation (7) gives rise to a hierarchy of evolution equations involving all reduced distribution function. The member of the hierarchy 49 Dynamics of colloidal particles corresponding to p~~(rI' r2; t) becomes {} (2) Pa/3 at 2 (2) 2 (2) Da VIPa/3 + D/3V2Pa/3 +(jDa V I .

In some cases the collective diffusion coefficient is time independent for very small wave vectors. In this case our result is also valid for long times. One condition is that the collective memory kernel vanishes faster than q2. The main value of this method is that it is very simple, and the new transport coefficient can predict the response of a concentrated colloid in the presence of an external field. Acknowledgments This work was supported by funds from CONACYT, Mexico, Grant No. 28239 E.

Phys. 84 (1986) 2336. [13J A. E. Larsen and D. G. Grier, Nature (London) 385 (1997) 230. [14J S. H. Behrens and D. G. Grier, Phys. Rev. E64 (2001) 050401. [15] P. Gonzalez-Mozuelos and N. Bagatella-Flores, Physica A286 (2000) 56. mx. mx Abstract Here we report a study of the short-time motion of colloidal particles in two-dimensional porous media. A single layer of colloidal particles is fixed between two glass plates forming a disordered array of obstacles. The void space is filled with an aqueous suspension of colloidal particles of smaller size.

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