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Nucleosynthesis in Massive Stars w Improved Physics [lg by T. Rauscher

By T. Rauscher

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History of the convective structure and energy generation in the inner 5 M⊙ of Model S15 starting after helium has been depleted in the center of the star. Time is given on a logarithmic scale measured backwards, in years, from the instant of iron core collapse (x-axis), The vertical axis shows the interior mass in solar masses. ) Convective regions are indicated by green hatching and semiconvective layers by red cross hatching. Note the convective red supergiant envelope outside about 4 M⊙ .

465 W W 184 W 185 W 186 W 185 Re 186 Re 187 Re 184 Os 186 Os 187 Os 188 Os 189 Os 190 Os 191 Os 192 Os 191 Ir 192 Ir 193 Ir 190 Pt 192 Pt 193 Pt 194 Pt 195 Pt 196 Pt 198 Pt 197 Au 198 Au 196 Hg 198 Hg 199 Hg 200 Hg 201 Hg 202 Hg 203 Hg 204 Hg 203 Tl 204 Tl 205 Tl 204 Pb 205 Pb 206 Pb 207 Pb 208 Pb 209 Bi 210 Bi 183 a The RATH rate is for 180g Ta whereas in Bao et al. (2000) the MACS for 180m Ta is given. 80838. Note. — Forward as well as reverse rate have to be multiplied by the given factor.

CF88† RATH RATH RATH * CF88 RATH RATH RATH * CF88† RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH RATH 0. * CF88† * CF88 0. * CF88† * CF88† 0. * CF88† * CF88† * WIES * CF88† * CF88† * CF88 * FCZ2† * CF88† * CF88 * KL93† * CF88† * FCZ2† 0. 0. * FCZ2† * LA90† * CF88† * WK82 * WK82 * FCZ2† * CF88 * ID01† * ID01† * ID01† * ID01 * ID01† * ID01† * ID01† * ID01 * ID01 * ID01† * ID01† * ID01† * ID01 * ID01 * ID01† * ID01† * ID01† * ID01 * ID01† * ID01† * ID01† 0. 0. 0. * CF88† * CF88† 0.

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