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Biopolymers at Interfaces, Second Edition (Surfactant by Martin Malmsten

By Martin Malmsten

This re-creation positive aspects study from approximately 60 of the profession's so much special overseas specialists. spotting rising advancements in biopolymer structures study with absolutely up to date and increased chapters, the second one version discusses the biopolymer-based multilayer constructions and their software in biosensors, the development made within the figuring out of protein behaviour on the air-water interface, experimental findings in ellipsometry and reflectometry, and up to date advancements pertaining to protein interfacial behaviour in microfabricated overall research platforms and microarrays. With over 3000 references, this is often a vital reference for pros and scholars in floor, pharmaceutical, colloid, polymer, and medicinal chemistry; chemical, formula, and alertness engineering; and pharmacy.

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2) can be solved and ␾0Ј(␴0Ј) can be evaluated. In turn, Gel can be computed using Eq. (1). When the protein and the surface approach each other, their electrical double layers overlap, giving rise to electrostatic interaction (Fig. 8). The resulting change in Gibbs energy, ⌬adsGel, is the difference between Gel after and before adsorption. It follows that Eq. , for the protein-covered sorbent surface, for the bare sorbent surface, and for the protein molecule in solution. According to this procedure, various attempts have been made to calculate ⌬adsGel.

Thesis, Wageningen University, 1984. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2 Driving Forces for Protein Adsorption at Solid Surfaces WILLEM NORDE The Netherlands I. Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, INTRODUCTION Proteins are copolymers of some 22 different amino acids of varying hydrophobicity (Fig. 1). As a consequence, proteins are more or less amphiphilic and, therefore, usually highly surface active. Moreover, a number of amino acid residues in the side groups along the polypeptide chain contain positive or negative charges.

16 Cohen Stuart zero; this is the point of zero charge (pzc) [35]. Quenched surfaces are obtained if strongly dissociating groups are chemically attached to a surface; a typical example is the surface of polymer latex particles with sulfate groups. The behavior of polyelectrolytes and polyampholytes is complicated because both the electrostatic and the nonelectrostatic (short range) interactions may contribute, and all sorts of patterns may arise. In order to appreciate the role of electrostatics, we first discuss pure electrosorption of a simple polyelectrolyte on a surface with opposite, quenched charge, from a solution of very low ionic strength [4].

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