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Total Pressure Measurements in Vacuum Technology by A. Berman (Auth.)

By A. Berman (Auth.)

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Upon substituting the value p given by Eq. 3) in Eq. 4) can be rewritten in a more explicit form upon referencing (a) the column heights h\ and h2 to an average position h (see Fig. 5) (b) the temperatures t\ and r2 to an average temperature Tm. 7) Eq. 8) 54 3. PRESSURE STANDARDS A careful examination of Eq. 8) shows that: (a) The range of pressures which can be measured is dependent on the choice of the manometer fluid, whose density is affected by pressure, temperature, and the amount of gas dissolved.

9-10. B. B. Dayton. Copyright 1957 Pergamon Press. 4). 3 illustrates the pumping speed of a Bayard-Alpert gauge head for carbon monoxide and nitrogen. (c) Generally, in a vacuum system, residual gases having molecular mean free paths in excess of the dimensions of the confining vessel may be sorbed at the internal surfaces. Sorption depends on parameters such as the physical nature and temperature of the surface, the chemical com­ position of colliding species, as well as the kinds of colliding species (Hobson, 1963).

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