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Le dernier Templier, Tome 1 : L'encodeur by Miguel, Raymond Khoury

By Miguel, Raymond Khoury

Big apple, de nos jours. Lors d'une exposition sur les trésors du Vatican, quatre cavaliers habillés en Templier surgissent et dérobent un objet. Cette disparition inquiète au plus haut aspect le Vatican qui comprend que ce vol spectaculaire a un lien avec un mystery qui remonte au XIIIème siècle... Cet objet, récupéré par les Templiers, peut tout simplement remettre en query les fondements de l. a. chrétienté ! Un agent du FBI, associé à une jeune archéologue, half à los angeles recherche de l'objet : une enquête de tous les dangers... Le Dernier Templier a d'abord été un roman de M. Khoury devenu un best-seller overseas et qui sera adapté en une série télé (sur M6 en 2009). Mais il s'agit surtout d'un récit d'aventure haletant à travers les âges !

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The Third Estate deputies refused to vote separately, but the nobility were clearly in favour of this, as, very narrowly, were the clergy. The resolve of the bourgeois deputies was strengthened by defections from the privileged orders, particularly by parish priests. On 17 May the deputies of the Third Estate declared that ‘the interpretation and presentation of the general will belong to it…. The name National Assembly is the only one which is suitable’. Three days later, finding themselves locked out of their meeting hall (apparently by accident), the deputies moved to a nearby indoor royal tennis court and, under the presidency of the astronomer Jean-Sylvain Bailly, insisted by oath on their ‘unshakeable resolution’ to continue to act as the national representation.

The paupers of this parish are dying of hunger: I will help them a little in this dreadful destitution and, to try to stop it, distribute 50 crowns or so…. Source: Annales historiques de la Révolution française, 1955, pp. 161–2. 23 3 CREATING A REGENERATED FRANCE The August 1789 decrees on feudalism The response of the National Assembly to the news of the ‘Great Fear’ was initially one of panic. On 4 August a series of prominent nobles made sweeping gestures to renounce their privileges. Over the succeeding days, however, the Assembly made a crucial distinction between instances of ‘personal servitude’, which were abolished out-right, and ‘property rights’ (seigneurial dues payable on harvests) for which peasants had to pay compensation before ceasing payment.

In a parallel manner, parish delegates were sent to district capitals where they elected the Third Estate deputies for Versailles. This meant that district cahiers tended to reflect urban middle-class grievances and aspirations, just as the deputies were almost exclusively urban men from the professions, public service or commerce. Nevertheless, the sharp contrast in the outlook of prominent members of the Third Estate of Bourges and that of the nobility (see the extract above) is readily apparent, as are some startlingly radical attitudes to individual freedoms.

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