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The Feynman Lectures on Physics [Vol 2] by R. Feynman, et al., [checked OK]

By R. Feynman, et al., [checked OK]

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There exists one probability of finding an electron in the excited hydrogen atom, another of finding the nucleus deprived of its electron. A nd these probabilities are fixed and cannot be modified. The hydrogen atom that is 40 found after the collision is, however, no longer exactly what it was before. It is in fact known that, when an inter­ action contains enough energy, there exists the probability that the hydrogen is not found again, but instead some­ thing completely different is found. Several different cases are possible, and these cases are connected among them­ selves by relations of probability.

In classi­ cal physics, where the phenomena are objective, the tradi­ tional language of physics can be used, that is, the language of every day. In modern physics, however, the mathemati­ cal structures that are met with indicate the probability of a phenomenon and not the phenomenon itself. A nd , in this sense, in classical physics, it is the act which is sought in the phenomenon, while “ potentia” is to be correlated with the mathematical structures. Daniel Christoff Can it be said that this “ potentia” has a profound origin?

This is called the packing effect. Moreover, the forces are of course not electric ones— these are indeed repellent— but so-called nuclear forces, which are much stronger but act only at very small dis­ tances (about 10-13 cm . ) . 51 3. W ave field and particle: their experimental demonstration Here you catch me in a contradiction, because I said at the very beginning that today we no longer assume that forces and fields of force are something different from matter. I could easily excuse myself by saying: the field of force of a particle is calculated with the particle.

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