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The archaeology of cult: The sanctuary at Phylakopi by Colin Renfrew

By Colin Renfrew

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D espite the protection that should have been afforded it by being filled in and covered over so completely, time has not been kind to Nero’s luxurious palace. In the eighteenth century, vineyards covered the Oppian Hill, and in 1871, a large public park incorporating the ruins of the ancient baths was created there. The park was then enlarged during Mussolini’s reign and served as a backdrop for the opening of the newly renovated area around the Colosseum The Roman artist Fabullus conceived of even the smallest details of the Domus Aurea’s decoration, including paintings of mythical creatures, fanciful architecture, and naturalistic fauna.

Wealthy landĥ RZQHUVDQGPHUFKDQWVZKRZHUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRU¿OOLQJWKHZDWHU lots built homes in the neighborhood. During the installation RIDPRGHUQHOHFWULFDOOLQHRQSUHVHQWĥGD\%HHNPDQ6WUHHW In a deposit (below) associated with a mid-19th-century print shop on Fulton Street, archaeologists found more than 700 ink bottles, and this mucilage bottle (left) with the remnants of its paper label still attached. 35 archaeologists unearthed a trove of material in an eighteenthcentury residence owned by a wealthy businessman, Robert Crommelin.

32 nineteenth centuries more than the South Street Seaport, when it was the busiest port in the United States. T HE 11ĥ%/2&. $5($ right around the Seaport, nestled in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge, has recently been the focus of a FLW\ĥOHGLQLWLDWLYHWRLPSURYHLWVXWLOLWLHV and infrastructure. The city has long hoped ARCHAEOLOGY • September/October 2015 to stimulate the neighborhood’s commercial, residential, and WRXULVWLF DSSHDO PRVW UHFHQWO\ DIWHU LW ZDV GHYDVWDWHG E\ D VHYHQĥIRRWVWRUPVXUJHGXULQJ2012¶V+XUULFDQH6DQG\7KH LQLWLDWLYHLQFOXGHVLQVWDOOLQJQHZFXUEVUHVXUIDFLQJWKHVWUHHWV and maintaining and replacing damaged subterranean utility lines.

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