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Supersymmetric Field Theories: Geometric Structures and by Sergio Cecotti

By Sergio Cecotti

Adopting a chic geometrical strategy, this complex pedagogical textual content describes deep and intuitive equipment for knowing the delicate good judgment of supersymmetry whereas averting long computations. The ebook describes how complicated effects and formulae bought utilizing different ways could be considerably simplified while translated to a geometrical surroundings. Introductory chapters describe geometric buildings in box thought within the normal case, whereas designated later chapters deal with particular buildings reminiscent of parallel tensor fields, G-structures, and isometry teams. the connection among buildings in supergravity and periodic maps of algebraic manifolds, Kodaira-Spencer thought, modularity, and the mathematics houses of supergravity also are addressed. suitable geometric ideas are brought and defined intimately, delivering a self-contained toolkit of helpful thoughts, formulae and structures. overlaying all of the fabric worthwhile for the applying of supersymmetric box theories to basic actual questions, this can be a good source for graduate scholars and researchers in theoretical physics.

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98) The integrals over the B–cycles then define the period matrix Bα ωβ = αβ , αβ . 99) One has [136] the following theorem. 8 (Riemann bilinear relations) The period matrix is symmetric βα and the real quadratic form Im αβ is positive–definite. αβ = Notice that these are exactly the properties of the coupling matrix jN for D = 4k (see discussion after Eq. 74)). The space of complex n×n symmetric matrices with positive–definite imaginary part is called Siegel’s upper half–space, Hn [69]. For n = 1 it is the upper half– plane h = {z ∈ C | Im z > 0}.

Is there a similar arithmetic structure for gauge dualities? Yes, there is. For simplicity, we illustrate this in the special case of 4D, in which our theories are just Abelian gauge theories. 4 we were somewhat naive: to fully specify an Abelian gauge theory; it is not enough to give a Lagrangian: in addition, one has to fix the global geometry of the gauge group G which may be compact, U(1)n , or non–compact, say G = Rn . The Lagrangian is the same in the two cases, but if the space–time has non–trivial topology the two theories are physically inequivalent, since the path integral is defined as a sum over different topological sectors.

Therefore, the coupling matrix i N for the Abelian forms may be seen as the specification of a Hodge decomposition. The Hodge point of view is the most intrinsic and general, as we shall see later in the book. , Riemann surfaces) to algebraic varieties X of complex dimension n. 19 One considers the cohomology space in middle dimension H ≡ H n (X, C). For n odd the intersection pairing on H is a symplectic form, while for n even it gives a symmetric quadratic form of signature (m+ , m− ). 119) p+q=n satisfying the appropriate Riemann bilinear relations (Chapters 9, 11).

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