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Polysaccharide Bldg. Blocks - A Sustbl. Appr. to Dev. of by Y. Habibi, et. al.,

By Y. Habibi, et. al.,

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Reproduced with permission from Wiley–VCH, Sun et al. (2009). 31 HMQC (left) and COSY (right) NMR spectra of peracetylated 3-O-methoxyethyl celluloses (CDCl3). Reproduced with permission from Elsevier, Heinze and Koschella (2008). 32 Reaction scheme for the preparation of 3-mono-O-(3 -hydoxypropyl) cellulose. Adapted from Schumann et al. (2009). the split off of the TDS function with tetrabutylammonium fluoride trihydrate and subsequently of the tetrahydropyran moieties with hydrochloric acid (Fenn and Heinze, 2009).

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