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Guide to Citizen Preparedness - (FEMA IS 22)

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Look for approaching storms. 2 Tornadoes Are You Ready? • Look for the following danger signs: - Dark, often greenish sky - Large hail - A large, dark, low-lying cloud (particularly if rotating) - Loud roar, similar to a freight train. If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately. During a Tornado If you are under a tornado WARNING, seek shelter immediately! g. residence, small building, school, nursing home, hospital, factory, shopping center, high-rise building) Go to a pre-designated shelter area such as a safe room, basement, storm cellar, or the lowest building level.

Be aware of flood hazards no matter where you live, but especially if you live in a low-lying area, near water or downstream from a dam. Even very small streams, gullies, creeks, culverts, dry streambeds, or low-lying ground that appear harmless in dry weather can flood. Every state is at risk from this hazard. 50 Are You Ready? 1 What Would You Do? Natural Hazards You and your family moved from a city neighborhood in San Francisco, CA, to a suburb of Phoenix, AZ. Since earthquakes were a threat in your area, you always kept some extra food, water, and other supplies on hand and maintained an earthquake insurance policy, just in case something happened.

After flood waters recede from a roadway, the road could still be dangerous. 9. To prepare for a flood emergency, you should have a NOAA Weather Radio as well as a commercial radio. 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. False 8. True 9. True Answer key 54 Are You Ready? 1 For More Information If you require more information about any of these topics, the following are resources that may be helpful. • After a Flood:The First Steps. L-198. Information for homeowners on preparedness, safety, and recovery from a flood.

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