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Dynamical Theory of Dendritic Growth in Convective Flow by Jian-Jun Xu (auth.)

By Jian-Jun Xu (auth.)

Convective movement within the liquid section is often found in a practical means of freezing and melting and will considerably have an effect on the dynamics and result of the method. The research of the interaction of progress and convection move in the course of the solidification has been a major topic within the wide fields of fabrics technological know-how, condensed topic physics, fluid physics, micro-gravity technology, and so forth. the current e-book is worried with the dynamics of unfastened dendritic development with convective circulation within the soften. It systematically offers the consequences got by way of a unified asymptotic method within the framework of the interfacial wave (IFW) concept. particularly, the booklet explores the influence of some of the sorts of convection circulation at the choice and development formation of dendritic development in response to the worldwide balance research.

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2. 28) can be easily calculated in the tip region, the numerical calculation becomes more and more difficult as becomes bigger and bigger, because the convergence of the Laguerre series expansion becomes increasingly slow. As a consequence, to guarantee numerical accuracy, more and more terms in the Laguerre series must be included. 43). By matching both solutions numerically at one can determine the unknown constant The solutions depend on the number which is related to For we obtain The solution is displayed in Fig.

3(a) and Fig. 3(b), respectively, in which the dashed lines represent the Ivantsov paraboloid with The mean curvature of the interface at the tip is On the other hand, the dimensionless tip radius, calculated with the formula of curvature, namely Therefore, we get The derivatives can be numerically computed as can be 26 DENDRITIC GROWTH WITH CONVECTION The variations of the Peclet number with the parameters and are shown in Fig. 5. This steady correction for the Ivantsov needle solution due to the isotropic surface tension is of practical interest.

83) we find that where we define and Interfacial Wave Theory of Dendritic Growth with no Convection 39 The determinant of the coefficient matrix of the above inhomogeneous system is zero. 120), we obtain or where we denote It is interesting to see that all the terms involving are cancelled. 97), one finds that 40 DENDRITIC GROWTH WITH CONVECTION Therefore, it is seen that at the root of the equation the solution as well as the functions and also has a singularity. 129), must hold. 132), it is seen that up to the approximation of the eigenvalue as well as the eigenfunctions are not affected by the interface shape correction, caused by the isotropic surface tension.

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