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Descriptive Physical Geography by M.P.M. Reddy

By M.P.M. Reddy

This ebook is meant for college kids focusing on actual oceanography and fishery oceanography. it's going to additionally function a consultant on actual oceanography for college kids focusing on organic, chemical or geological oceanography.

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Now a void neither resists being cleaved, nor holds a gradually disintegrating force, so the coefficients of resistance and disintegration must both be zero. As different media rarify and become less substantial they may seem to approach the state of void, but the mutual independence of resistance and disintegration means that there is no way to fix some limiting value for the ratio of the two as they tend to zero while different media become progressively rare. Reification of material media cannot, therefore, lead by a limiting process to the specification of the void’s ratio of capacity and leakage, leaving the void with an unspecifiable ratio of zero to zero.

24 2 Heaviness, Lightness, Sinking and Floating speed the heavy body beyond its natural downward speed). The following points further clarify the main features of the two versions: 1. a. Heaviness unopposed by the upward directed action of some external agency operates on the medium in a downward direction as an external agency, stressing to cleave it while infusing it with effective moving power, in accordance with level 3 above. Heaviness, then, competes in the medium as a downward agency against any opposed external agency.

The following points further clarify the main features of the two versions: 1. a. Heaviness unopposed by the upward directed action of some external agency operates on the medium in a downward direction as an external agency, stressing to cleave it while infusing it with effective moving power, in accordance with level 3 above. Heaviness, then, competes in the medium as a downward agency against any opposed external agency. The net intensity of the source that builds effective moving force into the medium is proportional to the difference between the internal heaviness and the overall intensity of any external opposing agency.

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