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CatiaV5R7 Assembly Design Book

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The The manipulation icon will allow for the part to be moved in any direction as well as rotated about any axis. The first row allows the part to be moved in the x, y, z, or any selected direction respectively. The second row allows the part to be translated along the xy, yz, xz, or any selected plane respectively. The third row allows the part to be rotated about the x, y, z, or any selected axis respectively. With respect to constraints will keep the part constrained, but will move the part in free directions.

This will bring up a window of constraint options that could be placed between the two parts. If the window does not appear select the constraint that you just created. This list will change as different types of constraints are selected in different circumstances. Select Coincidence from the ChangeType window and select OK. The contact constraint is now changed to a coincidence constraint. Any type of constraint can be changed in a similar manner. Assembly Design - Adv. Constraint Options, Page 58 ©Wichita State University CATIA Assembly Design CATIA® V5R6 Apply an offset constraint between the outside of the stationary mount and the end of the wheel pin.

This will set the part at 5 inches from the front of the table. The distance may need to be -5 depending on the order of selection. Assembly Design - Constrain & Manipulate, Page 46 ©Wichita State University CATIA Assembly Design CATIA® V5R6 Place an offset constraint between the open end of the part and the right side of the table. This will position the part on the table. Change the Offset to 36 and select OK. The machine part should now be constrained near the center of the table. Placing all of the table studs and ducks takes some time, so it is advisable to save your assembly.

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