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Lassar-Cohn-Application of some general reactions to by Lassar Cohn

By Lassar Cohn

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Case of tartaric acid; by the action of phosphorus tribromide, in chloroform solution, at low temperatures, on the ethylic C2 H 5 is ethylic bromomalate, salt, - CO CH OH CHBr COOC H - - . - 2 5, obtained. In many other cases, greatly differing from the foregoing, the use of ethereal salts instead of free acid has been proved to be very advantageous even if not very probable that ethylic absolutely necessary. It is sulphanilate would be more readily reduced by means sodium and amylic alcohol than the free acid: it has been shown, by direct experiment, that this is of the case with ethylic methyldihydroxybenzoate in spite of the fact that, during the reduction, a portion of the ethylic salt The is hydrolyzed by the sodium amyloxide.

In order to grasp the relative influence on reactions of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide experi- MODIFICATION OF REACTIONS. 27 mental information on the following points must be forthcoming: hydroxide The (I) result of using the sodium derivative. solvent water by aqueous potassium heretofore reactions in The (II) alcohol. carried substitution of the The (Ill) with out effect of fixing the labile hydrogen atoms in the solvent and reagent by replacing of or ethyl. In this would be interesting to determine the using the methoxides and ethoxides of the connection effect them with methyl it alkaline-earth metals.

Only be conveniently nitrated in the form of its 21 diacetyl derivative, C 6H4 (OC 2 H 0) 3 2. Gallic acid, C 6H (OH) -COOH, 3 2 is oxidized to oxalic acid by means of nitric acid, but triethoxygallic acid, C 6 H 2 (OC 2 H 5 ) 3 -COOH, is and nitrated with tolerable readiness, yields, by of carbonic anhydride, nitrotriethoxypyrogallol. CO-OC2 H 5 would proceed without loss of carbonic , anhydride, but the experiment does not appear to have been tried. N0 2 2 -Na, so as to fix the labile hydrogen atom, the desired pound is produced by the action of bromine, N CH Na + Br ->0 N CH - - 2 2 2 2 2 Br + NaBr.

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