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Alchemical Studies (The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, by C. G. Jung

By C. G. Jung

5 lengthy essays that hint Jung's constructing curiosity in alchemy from 1929 onward. An creation and complement to his significant works at the topic, illustrated with forty two patients' drawings and work.

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Extra info for Alchemical Studies (The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 13)

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Psychologically, this c ircu latio n w o u ld be the “m ovem ent in a circle a ro u n d oneself,” so th a t all sides of th e personality becom e involved. “T h e poles of lig h t an d darkness are m ade to ro ta te ,” th a t is, th e re is an a lte rn a tio n of day a n d n ig h t, 39 T h e circu lar m o vem ent thus has th e m o ral significance of ac­ tiv atin g the lig h t a n d d ark forces of h u m a n n a tu re , an d to g eth er w ith th em all psychological opposites of w hatever k in d they m ay be.

U sually they consist of te n u o u s webs of fantasy th a t give n o clear in d ic a tio n of th e ir o rig in o r th e ir goal. Also, th e way of g e ttin g a t th e fantasies varies w ith in d iv id u als. F o r m an y people, it is easiest to w rite th em dow n; others visualize them , an d o thers again d raw or p a in t th e m w ith o r w ith o u t vis­ u alizatio n . I f th e re is a h ig h degree of conscious cram p, often o nly th e h ands are capable of fantasy; th ey m o d el o r draw fig­ ures th a t are som etim es q u ite foreign to the conscious m in d .

G. W ells’s novel Christina A lb erta ’s Father, a n d S c h re b e r’s M e m o irs of M y N erv o u s Illness. ” T h a t sounds th o ro u g h ly E u ro p ea n a n d seems to s u it o u r reason to a T . W e th in k we can co n g ra tu late ourselves o n h av in g al­ ready reach ed such a p in n acle of clarity, im ag in in g th a t we have left all these p h an tasm al gods far b e h in d . B u t w h at we have left b e h in d are only v e rb a l spectres, n o t th e psychic facts th a t w ere responsible fo r th e b irth of th e gods.

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